showing 6 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Deadfall Adventures Nordic Games (The Farm 51)2013 1930s 20thcentury actionadventure adventurerprotagonist africa allanquatermain arctic book centralamerica compass contemporaryfantasy cpplanguage crates dualwielding earth egypt envcombat firearms guatemala handguns lamp maleprotagonist mesoamerican-theme paranormal precisionrifles ruins temple undead unskippablenoninteraction labelminimizeminimize
Deadly Premonition  Ignition;Marvelous Entertainment;Rising Star Games (Access Games)2010 actionadventure addiction aimmode bludgeons capacity-slots chapterreplay chapters circadiancycle city clothing collectibles crates dartsgame detectivemystery difficulty discoloredblood dissolvingcorpses doors driving dynamicweather earth eccentricprotagonist elevatorbattle espionage explosiveobjects fatigue fauxserious fbi fictionalcity firearms fishing flamethrowers flashbacks flawedprotagonist forest handguns healing healing-instant healingitems hiding hospital hunger hygiene idlenoise improvisedweapons indicator-poi injuries insaneprotagonist inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow knives lawenforcerprotagonist maleprotagonist map meleeweapons minigames monologues monsters nojumping objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks paidkilling parallelreality paranormal playerstats precisionrifles present quicktimeevent rating-bbfc-15 rating-cero-d rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-auto reload-manual resting retrypoints rewardingvandalism savepoints shopping shotguns singlesave smokes soukoban splatter stamina stationaryattack submachineguns survivalhorror swords thermalweapons town usa visions waiting walking xbydifferentname zombies From the UK game box :

[i]Welcome to Greenvale.

Uncover the truth of the Red Seed Murders and Greenvale's many deadly secrets as you delve deeper into this remote rural town where mystery and murder go hand in hand.[/i]
Duke Nukem Forever  Take-Two Interactive (Gearbox Software;Piranha Games;Triptych Games)2011 aaa alienmenace aliens bossbattles cpplanguage crates developmenthell driving dukenukem elevators famousprotagonist giants livinglegend macho milessound nationalism nudity-inhuman pseudocheats rain rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 restorativefinishers rockets unarmedfighting walking labelimageminimize
Fable III  Microsoft Game Studios (Lionhead Studios)2010 aaa addons adoption animals antivillain arcanepunk blocking bloodlines bludgeons bodymorphing books capacity-toolslots cave chargedattack chickens circadiancycle city collectibles companion crates crepuscularrays crossworldcharacters dataimport difficulty dodging earlymodern-theme emotes eviloverlord fable-series fascism fictionaluniverse firearms forest friendlyfire genderchoice glowingeyes glowingveins groupsex gunpowderfantasy handguns healingitems healthregen hero-theme highbornprotagonist highfantasy historicalfantasy homosexuals humanoids industrialage langchinesetrad langhungarian latestart library lightbloom limitlessenergy magic marriage meleeweapons mine minigames monsters moralchoices mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin namelessprotagonist naming-companions naming-objects naturalleader necessaryevil objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws playablemenu plotimmortality portals potions precisionrifles procreation pyrokinesis rating-esrb-m rebellion reflecteddeeds renting risetopower sciencefantasy secondaryantagonist secrets selfcensorship sewers sex shadows shopping skeletons soldiers sorcery splatter stealing summery swimming swords tangibleabstracts tasktracker temporarycompanions tombstones town trophies undead unlimitedammo unrestrictedviolence walking werewolves wetland wintery wolves xbydifferentname xrayelectrocution zombies labelimageminimize
Half-Life 2  Valve Corporation;Vivendi Universal Games (Valve)2007 21stcentury absolutearmor airboat airlocks aliens alternateattack anticipatorystockpiles armoredcars autosavepoints bioships bludgeons breakpad buggy burrowers cagetransport censored chainreactions chapterreplay chosenone city cliff cliffhanger controllablehelplessness corpseactions crates crossbows damageindicator dawnofanewage difficulty difficulty-ingame disintegrators dollyzoom earth encounters-popup energyshields explosiveobjects facialexpressions falldamage famousprotagonist fascism fastzombies firearms firstpersonshooter forcefields genderdiscrepancy grenades guidedweapons guidedweapons-pointer halflife havokphysics hazmatsuit healthbuffer healthpickups healthwarning helicopters idlenoise insectoids jumping lightbridges lighthouse lipsync livinglegend lostresources meleeweapons middleprojection modifiable mutablescenery-fixtures mutablescenery-small planetlooters powerarmor powerthrow projectileimmunity prologue radiotap railyard rebellion rebelprotagonist retcon rewardingvandalism rockets savior scientistprotagonist scientists secrets sessilecreatures silentprotagonist singlegenderopposition sourceengine squatters storagearea superweapon suppression telescope timespan-days voiceovers walking walkingarmory warehouse windy zombies German release was censored ([url=]see[/url]) labelminimizeminimize
Lost Planet 2 Capcom2010 aliens ammomagazines arid bossbattles capacity-toolslots compass crates difficulty explosiveobjects firearms flamethrowers forest friendlyfire friendlyfire-full friendlyfire-optional friendlyfire-reduced giants grapplinghook jumping jumppack lasso limitedcapacity lostplanet mecha mode-practice monsters motionblur mp-campaign mp-cooperative mpfocus mtframework npcgenerators nplayers nvidia3dvision otherworld quicktimeevent rating-esrb-t repairing rewardingvandalism rockets rotaryguns shieldbash shields shotguns tangiblecorpses tropic walker walkers walking wasteland Lost Planet 2 picks up 10 years since the events of the original adventure and the landscape has evolved dramatically. With the success of terraforming activities, the planet's ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and other new environments. The story has advanced beyond Wayne Holden as players now follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirates on their quest to seize control of E.D.N III. Players move their heroes through different stories creating a truly unique and interactive experience. With this concept, gamers have the opportunity to engage in the story in a more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from various perspectives. The strongest features from the first game returns in Lost Planet 2 making fans feel right at home. In addition to the anchor actions that made the gameplay in Lost Planet a true 3-D experience, Lost Planet 2 allows gamers to gain tactical advantage with a wide variety of new actions. The game also contains a new addition to the enormous Akrids which were a fan-favourite in the first Lost Planet. Beyond the deep single player mode, Lost Planet 2 is loaded with one the most extensive multiplayer campaign seen in a shooter to date. The intense and action packed campaign mode comes with the ability to form teams of up to 4 players online to clear mission objectives with friends. labelimagesubject